Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their Answers compiled by our experts. These FAQs will quickly resolve general and specific queries you may have for GreenUpMySpaces Products and enhancing your Gardening Experience while using them.

They will save you trouble of searching for information elsewhere or contacting our Customer Care Department.

 A.  GreenUpMySpaces Gardening Products and Outdoor Furniture

GreenUpMySpaces products and Outdoor Furniture are handcrafted using high quality WPC Boards. WPC is 100% Water & Termite proof, Decay and Rot resistant and can handle extreme weather conditions. It does not crack, buckle or splinter even under intense sunlight or harsh weather conditions which makes them an ideal choice for outdoor and indoor use.

WPC is a composite material made by thoroughly mixing fine powder of  natural wood (Saw Dust), rice hulls or woody biomass from agricultural residues, additives  and heated thermoplastic resin comprising of recycled HDPE plastic. These ingredients are mixed to a thick consistency and are molded or extruded to form WPC boards.

WPC is a superior hybrid material, combining the aesthetics of wood with durability, lightness and strength of polymers.

WPC overcomes the disadvantages of natural wood and plywood. It will not rot, crack, warp like other timber material. WPC is not affected by water, snow or heat. It is highly resistant to rot, decay and corrosion. It is 100 % water & termite proof,  light-weight, flame-retardant and moisture-resistant.

With superior workability and structural strength, it is one of the best alternatives for natural wood and plywood due to reasons mentioned above.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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WPC is hybrid material manufactured by using residual wood sawdust  from timber industry, agricultural crop residues, rice / wheat husk and 100% virgin thermoplastics . Unlike natural wood , No Trees are cut to make WPC.

The consumption of recycled wood and plastic material that otherwise is dumped in Landfill sites makes WPC an extremely environment friendly replacement for natural wood, contributing to sustainable living and protecting our forests.

WPC is a hybrid material with quality of wood and ease of working like plastic. It combines lightness and robustness of plastic with the touch and feel of wooden surfaces. With superior workability and  structural strength, it is one of the best alternatives for natural wood and plywood.

WPC overcomes the disadvantages of natural wood and plywood. It will not rot, crack, warp like other timber material. WPC is not affected by water, snow or heat. It is highly resistant to rot, decay and corrosion. It is 100 % water & termite proof,  light-weight, flame-retardant and moisture-resistant.

The Sections below contain FAQs for GreenUpMySpaces Planters and Grow Beds for enhancing your Gardening Experience 

B .    GreenUpMySpaces – All Planters & Grow Beds

Answers to FAQs in this section are in general and applicable to all GreenUpMySpaces Planters & Grow Beds products, both Self-Watering (SIP) as well as Non-SIP.

GreenUpMySpaces Planters and Grow Beds  are made from Wood Polymer Composite (WPC) which is Water proof, Termite proof and decay resistant.

In addition, a heavy duty, non-decomposable Waterproof Liner is attached inside each Planter & Grow Bed for  extra protection  against decomposition and decay  due to constant contact with Water & Potting Soil.

Whether indoor or outdoor, following factors should be considered while choosing a good site and plants to grow in your Planter or Grow Bed.

  • Intensity of Sunlight:  Some  plants require bright and full direct sunlight, others indirect sunlight with partial shade and yet others require  dim sunlight and shade. Choose plants to grow in Planter Or Grow Bed, accordingly
  • Direction of Sunlight: It is advantageous to place the long side of rectangular SIP Bed along North-South axis direction. This way the plants do not rob each other of light. Also, take into consideration, which direction the midday sun is in. Consider how tall plants might shade others and trees, buildings and other sources of shade that may affect the sunlight your Planter or Grow Bed receives.
  • Level Ground: For water to be evenly distributed in water reservoir and wicking to work efficiently in all four corners of SIP Planter or Grow Bed, it should be ensured that SIP Planter or Grow Bed is placed on Level ground, free from any slope. If the ground is not quite level, we can help you with  instructions for leveling.
  • Convenience for Gardening and Watering: Make sure your Planter or Grow Bed has enough free space at allow you to water and care for plants. In case of SIP planters and Grow Beds, it should be convenient to fill water in Water Filling Pipe of  SIP and empty excess water collected from Excess Water Drainage Tube.
  • Aesthetics: GreenUpMySpaces Planters and Grow Beds are handcrafted with pleasing aesthetics and looks to enhance Décor of your Living and Commercial Spaces. While placing a Planter or Grow Bed, take full advantage of  combined benefit of  enhancing Décor with natural beauty  as well as convenience of Gardening.

Outdoor Garden Soil should be mixed in right proportion with Cocopeat, Organic Manure, Compost and Inorganic matter such as Perlite and Vermiculite to make a potting soil that is Plant Macro & Micro nutrient rich, Porous, Light -weight, Well- Draining and  Moisture Retentive.

This Potting Mix should be used for healthy growth of plants and proper functioning of Self-Watering, SIP Planters and Grow Beds.

Before plantation, give your Planter or Grow Bed a good drenching till water flows out of Excess Water Drainage Tube. Let the wet soil in Planter or Grow Bed settle down for a day or so before transplanting young saplings, sowing seeds or re-potting plants.

The  wet potting soil in your Planter or Grow Bed will settle down due to its own weight after watering plants a couple of times. Add an inch or two of Potting Soil in Planter or Grow Bed to top it up and fill the empty space..

For healthy and happy plants, it is recommended to add a good mix of organic manure and compost once in a month to replenish soil nutrients absorbed by plants.

The top layer of potting soil in Planter or Grow Bed dries up quickly due to faster evaporation rate on hot summer days and slowly during winter. You will need to adjust frequency of watering depending on weather conditions.

The best way to tell if your plants need water is to stick your finger about an inch or half into the potting soil of your Planter or Grow Bed. If it feels dry, it’s time to water your plants.

Also, take into consideration needs of plants  growing in your Planter or Grow Be. Some thrive in moist soil while others like succulents grow in dry soil.

Light Rain shower is best for plants.  It washes away dirt from leaves, clearing their stomata or respiratory pores. Plants grow greener and develop lush foliage as they absorb Nitrate, a key macronutrient naturally present in rainwater.

Rainwater is naturally ‘soft’ water and contains more oxygen than tap water. This oxygen is absorbed by the roots along with water. It  dissolves and  flushes out salts and other minerals in your the tap water, which have accumulated  in potting soil of Planter or Grow Bed.

However, do protect your planter or Grow Bed from Heavy Rainfall and wind in Cold Weather. It will cause more damage than good to plants.

If you have the option of harvesting rain water and using it for watering plants in your Planter or Grow Bed, nothing like it. It’s the best option.

The Drinking water in tap is treated with chlorine for killing harmful bacteria and micro organisms in it . If water in your tap is chlorinated,  let it stand for 24 hours to allow chlorine to evaporate before using it for watering plants in Planter or Grow Bed.

Hard water from tap is a poor substitute for rain water as it causes a layer of salt and calcium carbonate to  build-up in Planter or Grow Bed potting soil hampering the  roots from absorbing water and air from potting soil.

Use Hard water for watering plants in your Planter or Grow Bed, only if you don’t have any other option available.

Hard water from tap causes a layer of salt and calcium carbonate to build-up in Planter or Grow Bed potting soil obstructing roots from absorbing water and air from potting soil.

Once in six months, during summer or rains, tilt your Planter or Grow Bed and give it a thorough drenching with water (preferably ‘soft’  Rain Water)  till excess water flows from Excess Water Drainage Tube. It will wash away salts and calcium carbonate present  in potting soil due to use of hard water for watering plants.

C.  GreenUpMySpaces – Self-Watering Planters & Grow Beds (SIPs)

Answers to FAQs in this section below are specific and applicable to GreenUpMySpaces Self-Watering Planters & Grow Beds (SIPs).

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Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed (SIP) does not self-water itself. You have to water plants although with much lesser watering frequency.

The term ‘Self-Watering’ is more apt from Plant’s perspective as it’s roots absorb water slowly from moist potting soil. The wicking action from water reservoir at bottom  of SIP Planter or Grow Bed  keeps the potting soil consistently moist for days together.

Outdoor Garden Soil although important for plant growth is dense and heavy weight. It becomes compact and loses it ability to drain water or wick it upward over a period of time. If Outdoor Garden Soil is used in Self-Watering Planter and Grow Beds (SIPs), it will obstruct the constant wicking action that pulls the water  from Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed’s reservoir upwards into Potting soil.

GreenUpMySpaces Self-Watering Planters and Grow Beds (SIPs) are provided with Water Filling Pipe and End Cap.

Remove End Cap and fill water into Water Filling Pipe with gardening hose pipe connected to tap or Watering Can. To help in watering and avoid its spillage, you can use a funnel to fill water into the pipe The water poured into Water Filling Pipe flows down into water reservoir at bottom of Self Watering Planter or Grow Bed.

Stop filling water as soon as you see water overflowing from Excess Water Drainage Tube provided at bottom side wall of Planter or Grow Bed. Replace the End Cap to prevent evaporation of water or insects breeding in water reservoir.

If you fill excess water into Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed’s Water Filling Tube, excess water will simply drain out and flow out of Excess Water Drainage Tube. Therefore, Overwatering of plants is ruled out in Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed.

Under-watering may occur when Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed’s  water reservoir is left dry and plants cannot absorb moisture from below. To avoid SIP’s water reservoir to dry out,  check the moisture content of the soil an inch below the surface. If it feels dry, you will need to refill the reservoir and water from Potting Soil’s top surface to start the wicking action.

Rain will not flood your Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed as excess rain water will flow out of Excess Water Drainage Tube.

However, in case of heavy  or long duration of rainfall, we  recommend that you cover your Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed with a light weight, thin plastic sheet to protect plants from overwatering and loss of soil nutrients with excess rain water flowing out of Excess Water Drainage Tube.

If you stay in an area where temperature drops below zero during winter season, it will freeze water inside Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed’s water reservoir. This may cause damage and  cracks in pipes inside Water Reservoir.

Therefore, it is advisable to shift Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed to a warm place to avoid freezing of water inside it. If this is not possible, empty the SIP Planter or Grow Bed’s Water Reservoir by tilting it  to allow the water trapped inside it to flow out from Excess Water Drainage Tube.

Due to fast rate of evaporation, especially on hot summer days, the top layer of potting soil in Planter or Grow Bed dries up quickly. Check by  sticking your finger about an inch into the potting soil of Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed (SIP). If it feels dry, it’s time to water your plants .

If case of Self-Watering Planter or Grow Bed (SIP), you should water it from the top surface of potting soil just after installation when it is ready to use or water in its Reservoir at the bottom has dried up completely.

Drench the potting soil completely till excess water starts flowing out of Excess Water Drainage Tube.

Once a year, during the hottest, driest weather, give your plant a good top watering using collected rainwater or plain water that has been allowed to stand for 24 hours so that chemicals can evaporate.

If you cannot remove the water reservoir, tip the plant onto its side after watering to allow the excess water to run out of the reservoir. You don’t want the plant to “use” the water being flushed through the potting mix because it is filled with minerals.

Because SIPs rely on capillary action to deliver moisture from the reservoir to the planting medium, ordinary garden soil will not work.

It is far too dense for use in a sub irrigated system or any other option. It becomes compacted easily and does not allow the even distribution of water.

Instead, use a well-aerated, light potting medium that allows both air and moisture to circulate freely.

You can purchase potting mix specially prepared for use with self-watering planters. It is smarter and more affordable to make your own, using your own kitchen, yard and/or garden compost.

Here’s how:

Enjoy Carefree Gardening, Year-Round, Indoors or Outdoors!

Clearly, self-watering planters can save a great deal of time and hassle. With a traditional garden you must water frequently and keep up with a lot of troublesome tasks.

With a standard planter, you must beware of over-watering or under-watering. Self-watering planters take the guesswork out of watering and a great option for busy people with limited space and even limited gardening abilities.

When you purchase high quality, well-made, carefully chosen, self-watering planters, to create your indoor, patio or poolside garden, you can count on years of good use, and enjoy seemingly effortless gardening success.

When watering plants by hand, you always run the risk of watering too little or too much. If you provide shallow watering (frequent, small amounts of water applied to the surface), you run the risk of having thirsty plants.

This method of watering also prevents plants from forming deep, healthy root systems because the water they find is always near the surface of the dirt.

Manual, deep watering is another option, but it also comes with issues. When you water plants deeply and infrequently, you run the risk of over-watering and causing root rot. [source]

With a sub irrigated planter just the right amount of water is always available and is delivered from beneath the plant rather than from above. Using a SIP system to provide hydration ensures that plants develop deep, healthy roots.

Another advantage of the self-watering planter system is nutrient retention. When watering plants in the garden or in traditional pots and containers, the water runs through the dirt and washes nutrients away.

With a wick watering system, the provided nutrients stay in place and available to the plants. Any nutrients that do leak into the reservoir are taken back up when the “plant drinks.”

Using just the right amount is good for plants and good for the environment. When top-watering plants usually more water is used than the plants need.

Furthermore, water is lost to draining-off and evaporation. With a reservoir and wick system, only the amount needed to keep the growth medium at a constant moisture level.

  • Maintaining a garden can be time and labor intensive. This is especially true if you live in very challenging climate (as is more and more the case these days).
  • If you are facing drought conditions or unpredictable, inclement weather, gardening success is at times elusive.
  • Even in the best of conditions, balancing all of any plants’ needs can be difficult.
  • Providing the right amount of sunlight, nutrition, and hydration for plants to support healthy growth from seed to maturity is a challenge.
  • Throughout the plant’s life, you must be vigilant about any disease, pests, and weeds.
  • These reasonably high maintenance requirements make gardening an excellent pastime for retired people and others who have lots of time on their hands.
  • Unfortunately, for the average person, it can be nearly impossible to balance the demands of everyday life, much less take care of a garden.
  • Since successful gardening with even very few plants is an excellent way to relax, reduce stress and potentially save some food dollars, having to forego the activity is a shame. [source]
  • People who travel a great deal for work or recreation also face challenges when it comes to maintaining plants.
  • Plants need water regularly. If you are away a great deal, it may be difficult or impossible to find someone dependable to water your plants. With a sub irrigated planter system you don’t need to worry.
  • Fill the reservoir before leaving and count on having your plants properly watered for a couple of weeks.
  • Sub irrigated planter pots solve a lot of the problems associated with traditional gardening.
  • Even if you live in a small apartment, have kids to care for and work several jobs, you can set up a few pots of veggies, herbs and/or flowers to brighten your space, improve air quality and make healthy contributions to your dinner table. [source]
  • Watering is one big chore which self-watering planters can dramatically reduce. Instead of watering every two or three days, you can expect to simply check and refill the reservoir once every couple of weeks.
  • This interval may vary somewhat depending upon the potting medium, the size, and types of plants grown, but it is fairly constant and reliable.
  • You’ll want to check frequently when first starting out to get a feel for how often the reservoir needs refilling. During very dry weather, you may need to refill the reservoir more often.
  • Using sub irrigated planter for controlled, container gardening also means you don’t have to do any digging, hoeing or weeding. If plants are indoors in a controlled environment, you will be far less likely to experience problems with pests.
  • Additionally, many pests are attracted to plants suffering from over-watering or under watering. The correctly watered plants growing in self-watering systems will be less likely to attract them.
  • Proper placement of planters in a sunny window and/or using grow lights on a timer eliminates worries about providing the right amount of light.